
Australia Women's - Korea Women's    13 - 3

Australia Women's
#NameAst.Goals Tot.
7Victoria Battersby224
39Daria  Salnikova404
96Deborah  Lee033
22Grace Andrews022
12Evie  Miller112
8Jodie  Palmer112
37Matilda  Woo112
28Sarah Lee202
19Dominique Simpson202
94Adrienne  Fleming011
9Kexin Lee011
21Jessica  Smith011
42Helen Epstein000
5Kendall Lane000
13Angie  To (C)000
Korea Women's
2Jungmin Yoon (윤정민)202
9Minjoo Koo (구민주)011
33Haneul Lee (이하늘)011
7Reanna Nelson011
8Yuseon Choi (최유선)101
15Sanghwa Gim (김상화)000
1Seulbi Lee (이슬비)000
24Jimin Lee (이지민)000
11Jieun Lee (이지은) (C)000
3Jinyoung Lee (이진영)000
5Gyuran Moon (문규란)000
0Leanne Palisoc000
4Narae Park (박나래)000
6Seoeun Park (박서은)000
93Jiseon Son (손지선)000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
1 - 0#39 Daria Salnikova #94 Adrienne Fleming 0.250.25
Offence 0.00
2 - 0#7 Victoria Battersby #9 Kexin Lee 5.004.35
3 - 0#12 Evie Miller #37 Matilda Woo 8.153.15
4 - 0#39 Daria Salnikova #96 Deborah Lee 11.453.30
5 - 0#28 Sarah Lee #7 Victoria Battersby 19.502.10
6 - 0#37 Matilda Woo #12 Evie Miller 21.201.30
7 - 0#39 Daria Salnikova #22 Grace Andrews 23.552.35
8 - 0#8 Jodie Palmer #21 Jessica Smith 26.202.25
8 - 1#8 Yuseon Choi (최유선) #9 Minjoo Koo (구민주) 27.551.35
9 - 1#39 Daria Salnikova #96 Deborah Lee 29.151.20
10 - 1#7 Victoria Battersby #8 Jodie Palmer 36.307.15
10 - 2#2 Jungmin Yoon (윤정민) #7 Reanna Nelson 40.454.15
11 - 2#19 Dominique Simpson #96 Deborah Lee 42.251.40
11 - 3#2 Jungmin Yoon (윤정민) #33 Haneul Lee (이하늘) 44.352.10
12 - 3#28 Sarah Lee #7 Victoria Battersby 46.151.40
13 - 3#19 Dominique Simpson #22 Grace Andrews 52.306.15

Game statistics

Australia Women'sKorea Women's
Goals: 13 3
Time on offence: 5.05 min (10.9 %) 41.30 min (89.1 %)
Time on defence: 41.30 min (89.1 %) 5.05 min (10.9 %)
Time on offence/goal: 0.23 min 13.50 min
Time on defence/goal: 13.50 min 0.23 min
Goals from starting on offence: 4/4 (100.0 %) 3/12 (25.0 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 9/12 (75.0 %) 0/4 (0.0 %)
Goals from turnovers: 9 0
Time-outs: 0 1
Spirit points: 9 (2+1+2+2+2) 9 (1+2+2+2+2)
Spirit comments Great game overall! WE LOVE YOUR COACH!!! big hearts for him We would like for both teams to use more hand signals on a stoppage and indicate early and wait for the appropriate time to call a secondary call (eg picks and injuries). We hope that your players will not be shy to speak up about any level of contact that is not acceptable to them :)

Game history