
Canada Open (Open)


WBUC 2023 roster:

# Name Games Assists Goals Total
2Jordan Vogel128816
3Andrew Carroll1217623
5Luc Comire12538
7Michael Mackenzie1271522
8Thomas Edmonds1226632
11JJ Edwards1293241
15Jacky Hau12303
18Toly Vasilyev1211011
19Adam Turcotte12325
23Ari Nitikman12538
34Phil Turner12246
41Keith McRae12448
61Ryan Poloz125510
81Rumi Tejpar12141226
86Dan LaFrance12066
98Quinn Snider12112435

WBUC 2023:

Division: Open

Spain Open 13 - 11 Canada Open  Game play
USA Open 13 - 8 Canada Open  Game play
Canada Open 13 - 5 Germany Open  Game play
Philippines Open 9 - 11 Canada Open  Game play
Canada Open 13 - 7 Ireland Open  Game play
France Open 8 - 11 Canada Open  Game play
Canada Open 10 - 8 Singapore Open  Game play
Canada Open 13 - 6 Japan Open  Game play
Great Britain Open 13 - 9 Canada Open  Game play
Canada Open 11 - 8 Philippines Open Game 4  Game play
USA Open 12 - 10 Canada Open Game 5  Game play
Canada Open 10 - 11 Great Britain Open 3rd Place  Game play


Event type Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
beach127558.3 %13010.81139.417
Total127558.3 %13010.81139.417
Event Division Pos. Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
WBUC 2023Open4127558.3%13010.81139.417

Spirit points received:

Given by Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
Spain Open2233212
USA Open2122310
Germany Open2323212
Philippines Open212128
Ireland Open2323212
France Open2123210
Singapore Open2223312
Japan Open212229There was one foul call incident early on where we both probably felt frustrated, and we took away things that we could improve on. However we maintained a good dialogue, and at the end of the game we feel both teams were satisfied with the Spirit shown.
Great Britain Open2233212
Philippines Open222129
USA Open2222210
Great Britain Open2243314

Spirit points given to the other teams:

Given for Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
Spain Open2223312It was an absolute pleasure to play Spain! Both ways the physicality was consistent and safe, no contact beyond incidental. All calls were handled effectively and clearly in a timely manner. We had spirit circles before and after games and the energy was really amazing! Best of luck to them!
USA Open2222210
Germany Open2221310
Philippines Open212229There were a few potentially dangerous bids throughout the game. We discussed between spirit captains and seemed to settle the problems. Additionally, one of my players commented that their mark repeatedly didn’t acknowledge contact calls, but this seems like a singular player comment
Ireland Open2223211
France Open2222210
Singapore Open2223312An amazing game against an amazing group of people! Loved playing Singapore :)
Japan Open2222311Always a pleasure to play Japan!
Great Britain Open2232211
Philippines Open112228There was one bad bid into the back of one of my players legs without any chance of getting the disc. There was also a moment where the Philippines was arguing a contested goal and tried to reset the stall count incorrectly in their favour. We had moments of poor spirit which we apologized for and I hope sorted out and nobody left the game feeling any ill will.
USA Open2222311
Great Britain Open2222210