
Canada Mixed (Mixed)


WBUC 2023 roster:

# Name Games Assists Goals Total
0Penelope Roberge96410
3Justin Norden917522
7Chloe Emond98816
9David Colic94812
12Julia Topart9246
17Jade Huangfu9314
21Cam Burden991524
24Thomas Lalonde-Landry94610
32Jocelyn Proby96713
34Landon Lavoie99312
42Christoper Tremblay-Joncas9111021
45Alyne Azucena9224
61Adam O'donnell99110
69Karie Holst921012
71Ywan Cohonner961016
76Jacqueline Man9268

WBUC 2023:

Division: Mixed

Canada Mixed 13 - 4 Singapore Mixed  Game play
Canada Mixed 13 - 7 Mexico Mixed  Game play
Canada Mixed 13 - 5 Japan Mixed  Game play
Canada Mixed 13 - 7 Great Britain Mixed  Game play
Canada Mixed 8 - 12 Spain Mixed  Game play
Canada Mixed 13 - 2 TC Pandas (CHN)  Game play
Canada Mixed 6 - 11 France Mixed Game 4  Game play
Mexico Mixed 6 - 12 Canada Mixed Game 7  Game play
Canada Mixed 13 - 12 Colombia Mixed 5th Place  Game play


Event type Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
beach97277.8 %10411.6667.338
Total97277.8 %10411.6667.338
Event Division Pos. Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
WBUC 2023Mixed597277.8%10411.6667.338

Spirit points received:

Given by Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
Singapore Mixed2232211Team was advised early in the game about CAN’s excessive physical contact/hand checking when marking. Canada was very receptive from that point on.
Mexico Mixed2222210
Japan Mixed212229
Great Britain Mixed222129There were multiple times we heard negative comments about our defense from your team on the sideline. We appreciate that you're trying to support your team, but we felt that that could have been done in a more positive and sportsmanlike way.
Spain Mixed2232211
TC Pandas (CHN)2222210
France Mixed2223211
Mexico Mixed2222210
Colombia Mixed212229

Spirit points given to the other teams:

Given for Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
Singapore Mixed2222210Calls were discussed in a fair and timely manner. Great spirit all around!
Mexico Mixed2222210Clear use of hand signals and great communication.
Japan Mixed2223211
Great Britain Mixed2222210Some physicality at the start but they adjusted and we’re consistent for the rest of the game. Good game all around
Spain Mixed2222210
TC Pandas (CHN)2223211
France Mixed2222210
Mexico Mixed2222210
Colombia Mixed2222210