
TC Pandas (CHN) (Mixed)

 People's Republic of China

WBUC 2023 roster:

# Name Games Assists Goals Total
1Anni Zeng9022
6Ryan Liu911213
7Zeyang Li9000
10Jiahao Wang8369
11Kaicheng Chen9022
12Jiayue Bao9000
17Zhiyue Jiang9448
25Kexin Xu9033
29Yuhao Wu9426
30Yongqin Feng9538
34Muyu Ye9101
81Haochen Wang7000
88Qianchen Zeng9279
99Pingting Zhu9325

WBUC 2023:

Division: Mixed

Singapore Mixed 12 - 4 TC Pandas (CHN)  Game play
Mexico Mixed 12 - 1 TC Pandas (CHN)  Game play
Spain Mixed 13 - 4 TC Pandas (CHN)  Game play
Great Britain Mixed 13 - 0 TC Pandas (CHN)  Game play
Japan Mixed 13 - 1 TC Pandas (CHN)  Game play
Canada Mixed 13 - 2 TC Pandas (CHN)  Game play
Venezuela Mixed 10 - 9 TC Pandas (CHN)  Game play
Ukraine Mixed 13 - 5 TC Pandas (CHN)  Game play
Milo Dino (SGP) 11 - 7 TC Pandas (CHN)  Game play


Event type Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
beach9090.0 %333.711012.2-77
Total9090.0 %333.711012.2-77
Event Division Pos. Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
WBUC 2023Mixed149090.0%333.711012.2-77

Spirit points received:

Given by Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
Singapore Mixed2222210
Mexico Mixed2222210
Spain Mixed1223210
Great Britain Mixed1223210We felt like some of the foul calls were incidental contact and that maybe some players did not know the foul rules.
Japan Mixed2222210
Canada Mixed2223211
Venezuela Mixed122229
Ukraine Mixed122229
Milo Dino (SGP)122229There was a contact that happen and the china team ensured everyone were ok. We did felt some aggression on the sidelines towards their own team. The china team were not very good with their rules on some calls

Spirit points given to the other teams:

Given for Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
Singapore Mixed2232312
Mexico Mixed2222210
Spain Mixed2222210
Great Britain Mixed222219sideline was involved into the conversation without permission
Japan Mixed2223312
Canada Mixed2222210
Venezuela Mixed1223210kinda not familiar with the game process which resulted in the delay of the game
Ukraine Mixed221229
Milo Dino (SGP)2223312