
Venezuela Mixed (Mixed)


WBUC 2023 roster:

# Name Games Assists Goals Total
0Angel Samuel Moreno Falcon8000
3Javiela Estevez9011
6Alfredo Reyes9426
7Emily Campos9011
8Alejandro Carrera9257
9Lian Ortner9112
10Daniela Escalante9112
13Jose Pinto9202
20Carla Millan9224
21Vanesa Tejero9202
25José Cáceres9336
29Laura sofia Bianco9202
33Carlos Huerta9549
44Andrés Barnola9202
55Loriana Schneider9101
64Julia Schratz9437
69Carlos Camacho931316
79Ronald Jaspe5000
96Victor Victor Rodriguez9202

WBUC 2023:

Division: Mixed

Germany Mixed 13 - 4 Venezuela Mixed  Game play
USA Mixed 13 - 0 Venezuela Mixed  Game play
Venezuela Mixed 4 - 10 Milo Dino (SGP)  Game play
Ukraine Mixed 13 - 4 Venezuela Mixed  Game play
Venezuela Mixed 3 - 13 Colombia Mixed  Game play
France Mixed 13 - 2 Venezuela Mixed  Game play
Venezuela Mixed 10 - 9 TC Pandas (CHN)  Game play
Venezuela Mixed 2 - 13 Japan Mixed  Game play
Venezuela Mixed 7 - 13 Singapore Mixed  Game play


Event type Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
beach91811.1 %364.011012.2-74
Total91811.1 %364.011012.2-74
Event Division Pos. Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
WBUC 2023Mixed1391811.1%364.011012.2-74

Spirit points received:

Given by Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
Germany Mixed2223211
USA Mixed2224212An incredibly spirited game, the team went out of their way to congratulate the plays that we made.
Milo Dino (SGP)2223211The team were positive in ensuring calls were settled timely. There were some calls that happened but were resolved without the need of SC to be there.
Ukraine Mixed2223211
Colombia Mixed2223211
France Mixed1233312
TC Pandas (CHN)1223210kinda not familiar with the game process which resulted in the delay of the game
Japan Mixed2222311
Singapore Mixed2233212

Spirit points given to the other teams:

Given for Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
Germany Mixed2223312
USA Mixed2222210
Milo Dino (SGP)3223212
Ukraine Mixed2232211
Colombia Mixed2123210
France Mixed2222210
TC Pandas (CHN)122229
Japan Mixed3223313
Singapore Mixed2223211