
Canada Mixed - Great Britain Mixed    13 - 7

Canada Mixed
#NameAst.Goals Tot.
7Chloe Emond033
0Penelope Roberge213
3Justin Norden303
61Adam O'donnell303
21Cam Burden022
71Ywan Cohonner112
17Jade Huangfu112
34Landon Lavoie112
32Jocelyn Proby112
69Karie Holst011
12Julia Topart011
42Christoper Tremblay-Joncas011
76Jacqueline Man101
45Alyne Azucena000
9David Colic000
24Thomas Lalonde-Landry000
Great Britain Mixed
38Callum Spiers022
13Lisa Hocking112
12Ben Bruin202
22Alex Greer202
18Charlie Butt011
47Alex Hiley011
45Jamie Rabbetts011
81Ian Tait011
5Harry Ogden101
10Max Squires101
99Amelia Durbin000
40Yasmin Gill000
26Alice Hanton000
6Erika Neave000
3Laurel Piper000
17Cat Pope000
1 - 0#0 Penelope Roberge #12 Julia Topart 0.000.00
1 - 1#10 Max Squires #13 Lisa Hocking 0.000.00
2 - 1#32 Jocelyn Proby #7 Chloe Emond 0.000.00
3 - 1#3 Justin Norden #17 Jade Huangfu 0.000.00
3 - 2#12 Ben Bruin #81 Ian Tait 0.000.00
4 - 2#61 Adam O'donnell #21 Cam Burden 0.000.00
4 - 3#13 Lisa Hocking #38 Callum Spiers 0.000.00
5 - 3#76 Jacqueline Man #34 Landon Lavoie 0.000.00
6 - 3#3 Justin Norden #42 Christoper Tremblay-Joncas 0.000.00
7 - 3#71 Ywan Cohonner #69 Karie Holst 0.000.00
8 - 3#61 Adam O'donnell #7 Chloe Emond 0.000.00
9 - 3#3 Justin Norden #0 Penelope Roberge 0.000.00
9 - 4#12 Ben Bruin #38 Callum Spiers 0.000.00
10 - 4#61 Adam O'donnell #21 Cam Burden 0.000.00
11 - 4#0 Penelope Roberge #71 Ywan Cohonner 0.000.00
12 - 4#17 Jade Huangfu #7 Chloe Emond 0.000.00
12 - 5#22 Alex Greer #47 Alex Hiley 0.000.00
12 - 6#5 Harry Ogden #18 Charlie Butt 0.000.00
12 - 7#22 Alex Greer #45 Jamie Rabbetts 0.000.00
13 - 7#34 Landon Lavoie #32 Jocelyn Proby 0.000.00

Game statistics

Canada MixedGreat Britain Mixed
Goals: 13 7
Time on offence: 0.00 min (0.0 %) 0.00 min (0.0 %)
Time on defence: 0.00 min (0.0 %) 0.00 min (0.0 %)
Time on offence/goal: 0.00 min 0.00 min
Time on defence/goal: 0.00 min 0.00 min
Goals from starting on offence: 0/0 (0.0 %) 7/20 (35.0 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 13/20 (65.0 %) 0/0 (0.0 %)
Goals from turnovers: 13 0
Time-outs: 0 0
Spirit points: 9 (2+2+2+1+2) 10 (2+2+2+2+2)
Spirit commentsThere were multiple times we heard negative comments about our defense from your team on the sideline. We appreciate that you're trying to support your team, but we felt that that could have been done in a more positive and sportsmanlike way. Some physicality at the start but they adjusted and we’re consistent for the rest of the game. Good game all around

Game history