
Germany Mixed (Mixed)


WBUC 2023 roster:

# Name Games Assists Goals Total
10Melina Koschnitzki9325
11Florian Auferoth9134
12Lisa Schuetz9145
18Wieland Luehder941216
19Tobias Maierhofer981018
22Michael Remy9415
23Verena Woloson9224
24Lena Trautmann96612
25Nora Poel9156
32Esther Kunay9000
41Nicolas Fink9101222
42Levke Walczak9121123
47Conrad Schloer9111223
53Arne Gross96915
71Frederike Wagener9213
75Charlotte Schall99110
77Aaron Wolf914216

WBUC 2023:

Division: Mixed

Germany Mixed 13 - 4 Venezuela Mixed  Game play
Germany Mixed 12 - 8 Ukraine Mixed  Game play
Germany Mixed 9 - 8 France Mixed  Game play
USA Mixed 13 - 6 Germany Mixed  Game play
Germany Mixed 13 - 1 Milo Dino (SGP)  Game play
Germany Mixed 11 - 9 Colombia Mixed  Game play
Germany Mixed 13 - 7 Great Britain Mixed Game 3  Game play
Spain Mixed 11 - 9 Germany Mixed Game 6  Game play
USA Mixed 13 - 8 Germany Mixed 3rd Place  Game play


Event type Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
beach96366.7 %9410.4748.220
Total96366.7 %9410.4748.220
Event Division Pos. Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
WBUC 2023Mixed496366.7%9410.4748.220

Spirit points received:

Given by Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
Venezuela Mixed2223312
Ukraine Mixed2233212
France Mixed2232211
USA Mixed3212311There was good conversation between players about plays. there was a different interpretation between teams about positioning and body contact vs fouling
Milo Dino (SGP)2223211Good calls were made. Both teams were ready to have calls made to the team’s dismise.
Colombia Mixed2222210
Great Britain Mixed2223312Thank you for the nice and supportive chat on the sideline. We also appreciated your kind and understanding communication during the in-out call.
Spain Mixed2213210
USA Mixed2222210

Spirit points given to the other teams:

Given for Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
Venezuela Mixed2223211
Ukraine Mixed2323212
France Mixed2232211
USA Mixed122139
Milo Dino (SGP)2233212
Colombia Mixed2213311
Great Britain Mixed2223312We found the communication throughout the game really excellent on the field and on the sideline. Thank you for a great game.
Spain Mixed2233212
USA Mixed2122310Thank you for bringing the energy and intensity to this last game. Congratulations on the bronze medal.