
Great Britain Mixed - Mexico Mixed    13 - 5

Great Britain Mixed
#NameAst.Goals Tot.
26Alice Hanton134
22Alex Greer224
18Charlie Butt033
81Ian Tait033
10Max Squires213
5Harry Ogden303
6Erika Neave202
3Laurel Piper011
99Amelia Durbin101
45Jamie Rabbetts101
38Callum Spiers101
12Ben Bruin000
40Yasmin Gill000
47Alex Hiley000
13Lisa Hocking000
17Cat Pope000
Mexico Mixed
19Laura Esperanza Cristóbal Legorreta303
70Kasia Irene González Sánchez022
33Ricardo Altamirano Cabrera011
7Eric Brach011
77Mónica Lira Ávila011
2David Birdwell101
17Sheila Robles101
95Víctor Bautista González000
0Angel Ricardo Gonzalez Cardenas000
24Alejandra Hernandez Morales000
21Guillermo Mitre Anaya000
3Brenda Xantal Orellana Alva000
9Francisco Eduardo Osornio Mancera000
4Renatha Ramírez Oviedo000
11Alejandro Saldaña Yrizar000
10Wendy Itzel Torres Castillo000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
1 - 0#10 Max Squires #26 Alice Hanton 1.301.30
Offence 0.00
1 - 1#19 Laura Esperanza Cristóbal Legorreta #77 Mónica Lira Ávila 4.002.30
2 - 1#6 Erika Neave #81 Ian Tait 5.301.30
2 - 2#17 Sheila Robles #70 Kasia Irene González Sánchez 7.302.00
3 - 2#26 Alice Hanton #10 Max Squires 9.452.15
4 - 2#22 Alex Greer #18 Charlie Butt 12.453.00
4 - 3#2 David Birdwell #7 Eric Brach 17.104.25
5 - 3#6 Erika Neave #81 Ian Tait 19.102.00
5 - 4#19 Laura Esperanza Cristóbal Legorreta #33 Ricardo Altamirano Cabrera 21.202.10
6 - 4#38 Callum Spiers #26 Alice Hanton 24.403.20
7 - 4#5 Harry Ogden #18 Charlie Butt 25.401.00
8 - 4#45 Jamie Rabbetts #22 Alex Greer 28.402.40
9 - 4#5 Harry Ogden #18 Charlie Butt 36.007.20
Timeout 32.20
10 - 4#99 Amelia Durbin #22 Alex Greer 38.202.20
11 - 4#5 Harry Ogden #81 Ian Tait 41.152.55
12 - 4#22 Alex Greer #3 Laurel Piper 42.151.00
12 - 5#19 Laura Esperanza Cristóbal Legorreta #70 Kasia Irene González Sánchez 45.002.45
13 - 5#10 Max Squires #26 Alice Hanton 48.003.00

Game statistics

Great Britain MixedMexico Mixed
Goals: 13 5
Time on offence: 13.35 min (28.5 %) 34.05 min (71.5 %)
Time on defence: 34.05 min (71.5 %) 13.35 min (28.5 %)
Time on offence/goal: 1.02 min 6.49 min
Time on defence/goal: 6.49 min 1.02 min
Goals from starting on offence: 6/6 (100.0 %) 5/12 (41.7 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 7/12 (58.3 %) 0/6 (0.0 %)
Goals from turnovers: 7 0
Time-outs: 1 0
Spirit points: 10 (2+2+2+2+2) 11 (2+2+2+3+2)
Spirit commentsOne play with significant contact by GB and they contestes the foul after discussion, discussed in spirit circle after. Communication Could improve but was not Bad enough to lower score. Mexico has high expectations of spirit. We really appreciate how well composed and positive you were going into calls.

Game history