
Ireland Open (Open)


WBUC 2023 roster:

# Name Games Assists Goals Total
0Thomas Sloane9213
1Fionn McGowan9819
2Derek O'Kelly9112
4Ronan Fogarty9538
10George Bishop9224
13Eoin Breen9123
20Louis Fitzgerald9156
21Josh Taylor911213
24Alex Henry9516
25Oisin Skinnader9000
33Kevin Waters9404
43Luke Egan9246
57Tadhgh Poole9112
96Shane Monaghan6224

WBUC 2023:

Division: Open

Philippines Open 13 - 1 Ireland Open  Game play
Spain Open 13 - 3 Ireland Open  Game play
USA Open 13 - 1 Ireland Open  Game play
France Open 13 - 5 Ireland Open  Game play
Canada Open 13 - 7 Ireland Open  Game play
Great Britain Open 13 - 4 Ireland Open  Game play
Ireland Open 5 - 13 Japan Open  Game play
Ireland Open 4 - 13 Germany Open  Game play
Ireland Open 3 - 13 Singapore Open  Game play
Japan Open 13 - 3 Ireland Open 9th Place  Game play


Event type Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
beach100100.0 %363.613013.0-94
Total100100.0 %363.613013.0-94
Event Division Pos. Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
WBUC 2023Open10100100.0%363.613013.0-94

Spirit points received:

Given by Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
Philippines Open2222210Good spirit all the way
Spain Open2223211
USA Open2232312
France Open2223312
Canada Open2223211
Great Britain Open2222311
Japan Open2224212There was some contact on the marks, but also intentional avoidance of contact, that we felt averaged to a 2 for Fouls. Once we pulled without confirming that Ireland had signaled readiness. We would self-score ourselves lower for Rules. We gave a 4 for Attitude and Self Control because throughout a game where both sides really wanted their first win, and despite the incident with the pull, Ireland consistently congratulated good play, kept positive, and showed the highest level of respect.
Germany Open2233212
Singapore Open2233212
Japan Open3232313

Spirit points given to the other teams:

Given for Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
Philippines Open2223211
Spain Open2232312
USA Open2223211
France Open2222210
Canada Open2323212
Great Britain Open2223211We appreciate the similar sense of humor
Japan Open2223211
Germany Open2223211
Singapore Open2224313Consistent cheerful behavior on and off of the field Very encouraging on the sideline of both teams plays
Japan Open22344154. We found all players were seeking out congratulations for both their own and our team. Chants were excellent and they maintained a cheerful positive attitude throughout. 5. The spirit captain outlined in the pregame spirit circle that they intended to take on perspective from the sideline when a call is made. During the game they adhered to this taking both their own and our perspectives onboard and always came to the fairest outcome. Hand signals were also excellent throughout.