
Great Britain Women's (Women's)

 Great Britain

WBUC 2023 roster:

# Name Games Assists Goals Total
6Claire Baker913518
8Camille Maala9011
9Michelle Kim Wardell9224
13Emily Powell9167
16Ellen Johnson9145
18Katie Bottomley9505
22Rosie Bailey961117
27Heather Williams99211
28Mo Nguyen9101
33Fliss Mann9257
39Rebecca Bullingham9101
45Kristie To9448
62Isabelle Retout9314
80Yu Wei Chua9246
91Natasha Collins961117

WBUC 2023:

Division: Women's

Great Britain Women's 5 - 12 Philippines Women's  Game play
Great Britain Women's 11 - 10 Singapore Women's  Game play
Great Britain Women's 7 - 13 Japan Women's  Game play
USA Women's 13 - 1 Great Britain Women's  Game play
Great Britain Women's 5 - 13 Spain Women's  Game play
Great Britain Women's 5 - 13 Canada Women's  Game play
Philippines Women's 12 - 9 Great Britain Women's  Game play
Japan Women's 12 - 7 Great Britain Women's  Game play
Great Britain Women's 6 - 9 Singapore Women's  Game play


Event type Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
beach91811.1 %566.210711.9-51
Total91811.1 %566.210711.9-51
Event Division Pos. Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
WBUC 2023Women's791811.1%566.210711.9-51

Spirit points received:

Given by Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
Philippines Women's2233212Team adjusted with body contacts. Greatly appreciate the cheers on the sideline and the spirit captain and captain.
Singapore Women's2222210
Japan Women's2232312Really great friendly team!!!
USA Women's2233212
Spain Women's2223211
Canada Women's2223211
Philippines Women's2233212For us the most spirited team on and off the field
Japan Women's2222210Good game!
Singapore Women's2232211

Spirit points given to the other teams:

Given for Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
Philippines Women's2222210Thanks for the lovely game, thanks for bringing to our attention the body contact, we will focus on making sure we improve :)
Singapore Women's2233212
Japan Women's2223211Felt like on a few of the calls the interpreter could have been used a bit more efficiently, maybe even using the sideline as well. Other than that over all a really nice game :)
USA Women's2222210Thank you for the game! Couple of instances of good fair mindedness with regards to a potential injury call and a down call. Go smash it!
Spain Women's2222210
Canada Women's2223312Thank for the game! Thank you for the communication during and after the game - particularly around the WFDF vs USDA rules. Good luck!
Philippines Women's2222210
Japan Women's2222210
Singapore Women's2222210