
NED Mixed U20 - POL Mixed U20    9 - 15

NED Mixed U20
#NameAst.Goals Tot.
16Levi Gaasbeek235
19Jelte Derks404
18Guus Hermans022
17Leeloo Lievestro112
35Boaz de Jong 011
26Veerle Jansen011
40Guido  van Woerkom011
87Imme Hansma101
32Seb  van Rossum101
77Bente Bouwman000
11Priscilla  Coumans000
66Fabian  den Dunnen000
3Peyton Dicke000
23Tori Dicke000
28Vera Doekes000
34Jade Hansma000
99Minna Kruidhof (C)000
53Esme Laverty000
12Ties  Looze000
93Cas van den Hoed000
95Siem van Gaans000
14Mandy Verbeek000
POL Mixed U20
8Oskar Łuc224
34Benedykt Deskur123
11Karolina Fijołek213
72Anna Wołosiewicz213
25Bartosz Kierecki303
75Maria Bazan022
42Zakhar Vlasenko022
80Anna Mirecka112
99Franciszek Gerus202
77Miriam Gruszecka011
10Lena Haase011
5Jan Wroniszewski011
21Mikołaj Żakowicz011
71Julia Henklewska (C)101
18Adam Wylegała101
4Oskar Boguszewski000
31Amelia Grochowska000
12Klara Jaraczewska000
19Kaja Oszczęda000
17Jana Senicic000
43Szymon Wicher000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
1 - 0#32 Seb van Rossum #18 Guus Hermans 1.031.03
Offence 0.00
1 - 1#72 Anna Wołosiewicz #34 Benedykt Deskur 5.023.59
1 - 2#99 Franciszek Gerus #42 Zakhar Vlasenko 7.011.59
2 - 2#19 Jelte Derks #16 Levi Gaasbeek 8.041.03
2 - 3#11 Karolina Fijołek #21 Mikołaj Żakowicz 10.001.56
2 - 4#25 Bartosz Kierecki #10 Lena Haase 12.052.05
3 - 4#16 Levi Gaasbeek #40 Guido van Woerkom 15.002.55
3 - 5#8 Oskar Łuc #72 Anna Wołosiewicz 18.013.01
4 - 5#19 Jelte Derks #16 Levi Gaasbeek 19.041.03
4 - 6#25 Bartosz Kierecki #77 Miriam Gruszecka 21.052.01
5 - 6#17 Leeloo Lievestro #35 Boaz de Jong  26.004.55
5 - 7#72 Anna Wołosiewicz #5 Jan Wroniszewski 29.003.00
Timeout 26.01
5 - 8#80 Anna Mirecka #75 Maria Bazan 32.033.03
6 - 8#19 Jelte Derks #16 Levi Gaasbeek 41.001.57
7 - 8#87 Imme Hansma #18 Guus Hermans 45.004.00
8 - 8#16 Levi Gaasbeek #26 Veerle Jansen 62.0017.00
Timeout 51.03
Timeout 56.05
8 - 9#99 Franciszek Gerus #42 Zakhar Vlasenko 64.002.00
8 - 10#18 Adam Wylegała #8 Oskar Łuc 71.007.00
8 - 11#71 Julia Henklewska #75 Maria Bazan 74.003.00
8 - 12#8 Oskar Łuc #34 Benedykt Deskur 79.005.00
8 - 13#34 Benedykt Deskur #11 Karolina Fijołek 85.006.00
8 - 14#25 Bartosz Kierecki #8 Oskar Łuc 87.002.00
9 - 14#19 Jelte Derks #17 Leeloo Lievestro 90.003.00
9 - 15#11 Karolina Fijołek #80 Anna Mirecka 92.032.03

Game statistics

NED Mixed U20POL Mixed U20
Goals: 9 15
Time on offence: 45.00 min (52.9 %) 40.03 min (47.1 %)
Time on defence: 40.03 min (47.1 %) 45.00 min (52.9 %)
Time on offence/goal: 5.00 min 2.40 min
Time on defence/goal: 2.40 min 5.00 min
Goals from starting on offence: 6/14 (42.9 %) 7/10 (70.0 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 3/10 (30.0 %) 8/14 (57.1 %)
Goals from turnovers: 3 8
Time-outs: 2 1
Spirit points: 8 (1+2+1+2+2) 10 (2+2+2+2+2)
Spirit commentsAs we said in the spirit circle, when resolving calls we haven’t had the felling of being listened. Mostly male matching players weren't open-minded and were not reconsidering other perspectives. Some players don’t have sufficient knowledge of the rules (fastcount, anatomy of the field). Thanks for the intensive game! Poland mixed, thank you for this game, we really enjoyed playing you and we loved your positivity and your dedication to the game. Again thank you for this match and good luck with the rest of the tournament Greetings NED X

Game history