
PAN Mixed U20 - HKG Mixed    14 - 6

PAN Mixed U20
#NameAst.Goals Tot.
89Juan David Castillero (C)325
12Alvaro  Monagas404
19Sergio Perez Barboni213
22Armando Vlieg213
15Valeria  Mack022
17Daniel Sierra022
10Valeria  Frauca112
6Ricardo Tovar202
91Juan Diego Ahumada011
2Fernanda Padilla011
43Luis Rodríguez011
27Patricia  Troitiño 011
8Sebastián  Troitiño011
7Daniel Cabaleiro000
33Anabella  Ciniglio000
18Estefanía  Epifanio 000
36Fabiana  Goon 000
9Juan Diego Herrera000
26Felipe Lagos000
71Valery Martinez000
1Juan Miguel Ventura000
HKG Mixed
0Tsz Him Wu303
12Jason Chu022
7Langyi Nicholas Cox022
9Tsz Ho Lau011
98Cheuk Kiu Tse (C)011
77Hung Colin Chan101
52Cheuk Yi Ng101
10Wing Huen Shing101
34Shin Alicia Au Yeung000
13Po Lam Michelle Chan000
95Yuen Fai Kyle Chan000
66Pok Shing Chiu000
28Kei Ting Charlize Chung000
11Yuen Ki Chung000
88Hau Sen Lam000
33Hiu Nam Lee000
4Kai On Issac Lee000
17Yau Chin Leung000
37Peixi LI000
2Kai To Wong000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
1 - 0#12 Alvaro Monagas #17 Daniel Sierra 2.022.02
Offence 0.00
2 - 0#19 Sergio Perez Barboni #89 Juan David Castillero 6.134.11
2 - 1#0 Tsz Him Wu #9 Tsz Ho Lau 10.204.07
3 - 1#19 Sergio Perez Barboni #89 Juan David Castillero 12.382.18
4 - 1#6 Ricardo Tovar #10 Valeria Frauca 17.224.44
5 - 1#89 Juan David Castillero #15 Valeria Mack 21.484.26
6 - 1#12 Alvaro Monagas #2 Fernanda Padilla 25.413.53
Timeout 23.35
6 - 2#52 Cheuk Yi Ng #12 Jason Chu 28.493.08
7 - 2#12 Alvaro Monagas #27 Patricia Troitiño  32.003.11
8 - 2#89 Juan David Castillero #19 Sergio Perez Barboni 37.575.57
Timeout 32.25
8 - 3#0 Tsz Him Wu #7 Langyi Nicholas Cox 48.393.42
9 - 3#22 Armando Vlieg #17 Daniel Sierra 53.565.17
9 - 4#0 Tsz Him Wu #12 Jason Chu 68.5514.59
Timeout 59.04
Timeout 62.59
10 - 4#10 Valeria Frauca #22 Armando Vlieg 70.501.55
11 - 4#89 Juan David Castillero #91 Juan Diego Ahumada 79.488.58
Timeout 75.35
12 - 4#12 Alvaro Monagas #8 Sebastián Troitiño 86.096.21
Timeout 82.25
12 - 5#77 Hung Colin Chan #7 Langyi Nicholas Cox 88.502.41
13 - 5#6 Ricardo Tovar #15 Valeria Mack 96.167.26
13 - 6#10 Wing Huen Shing #98 Cheuk Kiu Tse 101.205.04
14 - 6#22 Armando Vlieg #43 Luis Rodríguez 105.554.35

Game statistics

PAN Mixed U20HKG Mixed
Goals: 14 6
Time on offence: 26.44 min (27.0 %) 72.11 min (73.0 %)
Time on defence: 72.11 min (73.0 %) 26.44 min (27.0 %)
Time on offence/goal: 1.54 min 12.01 min
Time on defence/goal: 12.01 min 1.54 min
Goals from starting on offence: 7/7 (100.0 %) 6/13 (46.2 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 7/13 (53.8 %) 0/7 (0.0 %)
Goals from turnovers: 7 0
Time-outs: 3 3
Spirit points: 9 (1+1+2+3+2) 10 (2+2+2+2+2)
Spirit comments1. This was regarding a defensive play followed by a "ground strip". Rule 13.5.1 - please review the rulebook especially regarding intercepting a disc on defence but dropping it accidentally or losing control of the disc due to ground contact (rule 13.5.1). If this occurs, any player on offence can take possession of the disc". 2. A lot of minor contact when defending our handlers plus when on offense there were certain instances of shoving and pushing. Overall really positively competitive game and great spirit & support on the sidelines. Good luck in the rest of the tournament. Thankyou Hong Kong!! Great match, it was so fun playing with you!!

Game history