
NED Mixed U20 - FRA Mixed U20    10 - 14

NED Mixed U20
#NameAst.Goals Tot.
19Jelte Derks448
16Levi Gaasbeek235
26Veerle Jansen325
23Tori Dicke011
35Boaz de Jong 101
77Bente Bouwman000
11Priscilla  Coumans000
66Fabian  den Dunnen000
28Vera Doekes000
87Imme Hansma (C)000
34Jade Hansma000
18Guus Hermans000
99Minna Kruidhof000
53Esme Laverty000
17Leeloo Lievestro000
12Ties  Looze000
93Cas van den Hoed000
95Siem van Gaans000
32Seb  van Rossum000
40Guido  van Woerkom000
14Mandy Verbeek000
FRA Mixed U20
61Milad Chaintron (C)404
15Gaspard Terrier033
10Lucas Chevalier123
3Baptiste Lebon123
47Raphael Chareix303
41Julie Deslandes022
25Léonie  Dorin022
44Tiffany Germain022
8Gaspard Calligaro202
16Carla Sorin202
51Pauline Dumas011
7Manuel Robert101
13Louis  Fernandes000
68Malo Gaudon000
27Mathilde Guet000
69Arthur Laguerre000
78Alexandre Leroutier000
21Lenaelle Mathon000
12Camille Phylemy000
54Ethanie Rabaud000
49Marianne Sovi000
82Henora Trossat000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
0 - 1#47 Raphael Chareix #41 Julie Deslandes 5.005.00
Offence 0.00
0 - 2#16 Carla Sorin #51 Pauline Dumas 7.202.20
1 - 2#35 Boaz de Jong  #19 Jelte Derks 16.389.18
Timeout 11.40
1 - 3#47 Raphael Chareix #41 Julie Deslandes 22.255.47
2 - 3#16 Levi Gaasbeek #19 Jelte Derks 26.304.05
2 - 4#7 Manuel Robert #3 Baptiste Lebon 28.302.00
3 - 4#19 Jelte Derks #23 Tori Dicke 30.201.50
4 - 4#16 Levi Gaasbeek #26 Veerle Jansen 34.053.45
4 - 5#3 Baptiste Lebon #44 Tiffany Germain 36.252.20
4 - 6#61 Milad Chaintron #15 Gaspard Terrier 43.206.55
Timeout 41.20
4 - 7#8 Gaspard Calligaro #25 Léonie Dorin 49.456.25
5 - 7#26 Veerle Jansen #19 Jelte Derks 52.352.50
5 - 8#8 Gaspard Calligaro #44 Tiffany Germain 55.002.25
5 - 9#47 Raphael Chareix #25 Léonie Dorin 64.251.25
6 - 9#19 Jelte Derks #16 Levi Gaasbeek 66.001.35
6 - 10#10 Lucas Chevalier #3 Baptiste Lebon 73.357.35
Timeout 71.05
7 - 10#26 Veerle Jansen #16 Levi Gaasbeek 77.303.55
7 - 11#16 Carla Sorin #15 Gaspard Terrier 79.201.50
8 - 11#19 Jelte Derks #26 Veerle Jansen 88.008.40
Timeout 84.45
8 - 12#61 Milad Chaintron #10 Lucas Chevalier 90.352.35
9 - 12#19 Jelte Derks #16 Levi Gaasbeek 98.107.35
Timeout 94.30
9 - 13#61 Milad Chaintron #10 Lucas Chevalier 99.551.45
10 - 13#26 Veerle Jansen #19 Jelte Derks 102.302.35
10 - 14#61 Milad Chaintron #15 Gaspard Terrier 109.106.40

Game statistics

NED Mixed U20FRA Mixed U20
Goals: 10 14
Time on offence: 63.03 min (62.3 %) 38.07 min (37.7 %)
Time on defence: 38.07 min (37.7 %) 63.03 min (62.3 %)
Time on offence/goal: 6.18 min 2.43 min
Time on defence/goal: 2.43 min 6.18 min
Goals from starting on offence: 9/13 (69.2 %) 10/11 (90.9 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 1/11 (9.1 %) 4/13 (30.8 %)
Goals from turnovers: 1 4
Time-outs: 2 3
Spirit points: 11 (2+2+2+2+3) 10 (2+2+2+2+2)
Spirit commentsIt was a game with high intensity. The communication was really clear and the spirit of the game was good. France Mixed, Thank you very much for this hard fought game. We as a team really enjoyed playing you. Spirit wise it was a very clean game, with little to no unneeded contact and nice communication. You deserved the win and we hope to see you play in the final. Thanks again and good luck Greetings NED Mixed

Game history