
COL Mixed U20 (Mixed)


WJUC 2024 roster:

# Name Games Assists Goals Total
0Julio Piza0000
0Loren Balcero1000
2Annie Torres3000
3Nicolas Gómez9134
7David Roso96511
9Andrea Noreña911920
10Isabela Alvarez9055
11Yerson Devia9448
12Juan Martinez3000
18Isabella Correal9000
21Rafael Silva9033
22Manuela Echeverri9123
23Diego Mancilla939948
28Angie Quiroga9033
30Andrés Rodriguez3000
31Maria Susana Vasquez9112132
47Antonio Gomez9202
74Juan Gomez911112
75Yeferson Higuera9111021
89Isabella Cadavid94610
90Oscar Suarez9213
93Mariana Hernandez9044
97Mariabelen Restrepo9101626
98Juan Cáceres921315
99Estefania Cadena2000

WJUC 2024:

Division: Mixed

COL Mixed U20 15 - 10 MEX Mixed U20  Game play
COL Mixed U20 15 - 3 HKG Mixed  Game play
COL Mixed U20 15 - 11 POL Mixed U20  Game play
COL Mixed U20 15 - 8 AUT Mixed U20  Game play
COL Mixed U20 5 - 12 SGP Mixed U20  Game play
ITA Mixed U20 11 - 14 COL Mixed U20  Game play
COL Mixed U20 11 - 12 HUN Mixed U20 QF3  Game play
COL Mixed U20 14 - 13 ITA Mixed U20 SF3  Game play
FRA Mixed U20 15 - 12 COL Mixed U20 5th Place  Game play

Spirit points received:

Given by Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
MEX Mixed U202322211For the 3 they had wonderful body control on bids, very appreciative of their mindfulness of our players in respect to that.
HKG Mixed22222101. Pay more attention to the Foul procedure (ie tapping the ground before resuming the play and standing still after a call was made) 4. Great attitude towards both teams whether it was during a turn or a score. Overall great game Go Colombia!!
POL Mixed U20112217
AUT Mixed U20112228We recommend to you to take a look at the travel rule! We would have loved to give you a 3 in attitude but most of our players felt that the self control part was missing. Great communication keep it up with the translators!
SGP Mixed U20122229They called several travel calls some which may be unjustified and does not affect the game, but they travel themselves Received feedback on travel calls, but did not change Fast counted several times Occassional occurences of Non-Incidental body contact by select players
ITA Mixed U20120216we gave a 0 in fair mindedness because we heard bad comments on the side line in their language (which we understand). Those comment were encouraging them to contest calls to have advantages for the game. They didn’t listen to our point of view during the calls. They made bad comments on the side when they were scored and we think the game didn’t need that tension since they were winning and they were advantaged. In the end, we liked the intensity of the game and how they never stopped fighting.
HUN Mixed U20010225Úgy gondoltuk, hogy a játékosok nagyon sokszor csak a game advisor nézetét vették figyelembe( ami nem rossz) de sokszor éreztük feleslegesnek a hívásokat. Az utolsó szituációban (két játékos egyszerre kapta el a zónában a passzt) ebben az esetben a korong világosan a támadóé. We thought that the players often only took into account the view of the game advisor (which is not bad), but we often felt that the calls were unnecessary. In the last situation (two players caught the pass in the zone at the same time), in this case the disc clearly belongs to the attacker.
ITA Mixed U20221218We think the spirit really improved since the last game, though (and we explained it in the circle) we felt that some contacts were still not impacting on the game, some others were dealt with a little bit of frustration and contested in any case. Thank you for listening to us and trying to improve.

Spirit points given to the other teams:

Given for Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
MEX Mixed U202222210Just an observation, make the calls instantly, don't wait for the play to be over. Great game, great spirit.
HKG Mixed2223211
POL Mixed U20221229
AUT Mixed U202222210
SGP Mixed U20111115
ITA Mixed U20212128
HUN Mixed U20121015Sentimos que no tuvieron justificación en el reglamento al hacer algunos llamados. Muchos llamados fueron realizados para sacar ventaja, incluso cuando los asesores de juego estaban involucrados y daban su perspectiva imparcial ellos continuaban sosteniendo su llamado En cuanto a la actitud positiva y autocontrol y comunicación, hubo un jugador que durante todo el partido fue irrespetuoso y agresivo al contestar los llamados, incluso cuando no estaba involucrados en ellos. We feel that they had no justification in the regulations when making some calls. Many calls were made to take advantage, even when gambling advisors were involved and gave their unbiased perspective they continued to maintain their call. Regarding positive attitude and self-control and communication, there was one player who throughout the game was disrespectful and aggressive when answering calls, even when he was not involved in them.
ITA Mixed U20222129Sentimos que escucharon las recomendaciones y mejoraron mucho en comparación con el partido pasado, sin embargo, sentimos que aún tienen que mejorar mucho la forma en la que reciben los llamados, sentimos que en la mayoría reaccionaron negativamente tanto en la línea como dentro del juego. Agradecemos la intensidad y que se redujo el contacto físico. We feel that they listened to the recommendations and improved a lot compared to the last game, however, we feel that they still have to improve a lot in the way they receive the calls, we feel that the majority reacted negatively both on the line and within the game. We appreciate the intensity and that physical contact was reduced.