
SGP Mixed (Mixed)


WU24 2023 roster:

# Name Games Assists Goals Total
1Zachary Yew Hoe Aw Yong9000
2Nathan Ong Song En9141731
7Jovial Kok9145
8Iliona Teo Rui Qi8033
9Jonathan Ng Yong Ming911112
10Gregory Phua Yung Keat5213
11Joven Chong99918
13Jaryl Tay Jing Rui98210
16Serena Sim Siew Ping9347
21Jeffery Koh Yong Ping926329
22Nicole Lee Yihui3000
23Claire Tham9235
24Joyce Ong Pei Xuan9257
26Jia Yan Chng9235
29Brian Lee9112
33Reynard Cher Zhi Heng7181432
55Shia Bing Shirly Ng9055
65Shaune Chow9088
66Jia Yi Tham92810
67Shi Hui Beh901212
79Denise Beh9134
88Weihan Lim0000
90Matthew Tan79312
97Jia Yu Goh9123

WU24 2023:

Division: Mixed

SGP Mixed 15 - 10 RSA Mixed  Game play
SGP Mixed 15 - 3 FIN Mixed  Game play
SGP Mixed 15 - 12 AUS Mixed  Game play
SGP Mixed 13 - 9 SWE Mixed  Game play
SGP Mixed 15 - 6 JPN Mixed  Game play
USA Mixed 15 - 5 SGP Mixed  Game play
SGP Mixed 15 - 6 NZL Mixed Q3  Game play
SGP Mixed 14 - 11 CAN Mixed S2  Game play
USA Mixed 15 - 5 SGP Mixed Final  Game play


Event type Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
outdoor97277.8 %11212.4879.725
Total97277.8 %11212.4879.725
Event Division Pos. Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
WU24 2023Mixed297277.8%11212.4879.725

Spirit points received:

Given by Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. Total
RSA Mixed1223210
FIN Mixed2123210
AUS Mixed122229
SWE Mixed121318
JPN Mixed2222210
USA Mixed2223312
NZL Mixed1223210
CAN Mixed020327
USA Mixed2233212

Spirit points given to the other teams:

Given for Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. Total
RSA Mixed2222210
FIN Mixed2222210
AUS Mixed122128
SWE Mixed212117
JPN Mixed2222210
USA Mixed2222210
NZL Mixed2222210
CAN Mixed221117
USA Mixed2222311