
Australia Women's (Women's)


WUC 2024 roster:

# Name Games Assists Goals Total
2Sally Yu9145
3Angela Pidgeon104913
4Lucy Deller1012416
6Pania Peluso-Preston10022
7Anna Roesler10123
9Alexandra Prentice1011617
11Caitlin Grange10347
14Lyra Meehan1011718
16Rosa Wang10022
18Dani Alexander9369
19Brittany McCarthy10112
20Caroline Ma1023629
22Hannah Sheers10033
23Georgia Egan-Griffiths1011516
24Jess Parkes10213
26May Lee Rickards-Tang10178
28Rosie Nicholls1042226
32Natalie Otten10246
35Catherine Phillips1017825
46Eva Weatherall1041923
64Kathryn Smith1012214
71Eunice Cheung9729
74Simar Dhaliwal10202
93Alexandra Paterson10044
99Olivia Carr7246

WUC 2024:

Division: Women's

Australia Women's 15 (11) - 6 (11) France Women's  Game play
Japan Women's 12 (11) - 15 (10) Australia Women's  Game play
Australia Women's 15 (11) - 10 (10) New Zealand Women's  Game play
Australia Women's 15 (10) - 9 (10) People's Republic of China Women's  Game play
United States of America Women's 15 (10) - 10 (10) Australia Women's  Game play
Australia Women's 13 (9) - 14 (7) Canada Women's  Game play
Australia Women's 12 (11) - 15 (12) Colombia Women's  Game play
Australia Women's 15 (10) - 12 (12) Japan Women's Game 2  Game play
Colombia Women's 15 (9) - 10 (10) Australia Women's Game 5  Game play
Australia Women's 14 (9) - 9 (10) Canada Women's 3rd Place  Game play


Event type Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
outdoor106460.0 %13413.411711.717
Total106460.0 %13413.411711.717
Event Division Pos. Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
WUC 2024Women's3106460.0%13413.411711.717

Spirit points received:

Given by Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
France Women's2223211Thank you for this game and congratulations !! Cheers
Japan Women's2222210
New Zealand Women's2232211
People's Republic of China Women's2222210Great game! excellent communication with the spirit captain of the Team of Australia. Your commitment to fair play was outstanding, and demonstrated a strong awareness of the spirit of competition,making the game enjoyable and respectful for everyone involved.
United States of America Women's2222210
Canada Women's203229- we would first like to acknowledge our own poor spirit in that game, especially from our sideline - we think that you came into calls with a fair minded approach and often looked at things objectively - we think that the contact started off egregious, and while it improved after the spirit timeout we felt that there were still close calls and players initiating contact, stepping on our players and contact on the mark. We had two players injured in this game and felt this could’ve been avoided.
Colombia Women's2223211Great game in general :) very few calls and great communication and fast resolution in the ones that took place. We highlight their great attitude during the whole match with positive comments to their teammates and towards us as well.
Japan Women's2222210Thank you for such a high level exciting game. Though it was an intence game, there were a lot of calm conversations on field and all of the calls were dealt cleanly. Thank you for your patience in term of discussion, despite our language difficulties.
Colombia Women's2222210Amazing game :) we encourage your players to keep up the good attitude and emotion through the whole game as it is something to highlight from your team
Canada Women's212229We had spoken about it before the game and there were still two dangerous plays in the game as well as a few close calls. Just as a note cuz of broadcast: One of the cheers at the beginning of the game had loud swearing in it.

Spirit points given to the other teams:

Given for Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
France Women's2223211Please go over pick rule as a team Thank you for the game
Japan Women's2223211
New Zealand Women's2222210Please be mindful of sideline involvement with calls. There was an instance with 5 sideline players saying a disc was out straight away. Thank you for the game
People's Republic of China Women's2222210
United States of America Women's2222210Good rules and knowledge Thank you for cleaning up the contact after half
Canada Women's2111272 x instances of Canada player bidding into Aus player in the air when they had vision of Aus player. Canada Players on sideline during dangerous play thought it was not dangerous play and didn't speak up. Instance when Aus player called it in and a Canada player was aggressive and angry and called it out, this was after a different Canada player called it in. Aggressive communication in 2 other instances. After dangerous play bid 3 Canada players told Aus player off/rude on sideline. Good Comms
Colombia Women's2233212Thank you for the Sunday morning game Let's get coffee next time We appreciate the Fair mindedness with the retracted pick call
Japan Women's2233212Thank you for such a spirited game. Team Japan was very understanding and took on the perspective of our players even when it didn't benefit their team. They were very calm in all situations.
Colombia Women's212229Thank you for the game Colombia. Pick calls were called to their own advantage, players would catch up too close rather than maintain the buffer they had before the pick call. Too much body contact but we should have brought this up earlier. Sometimes your players were defensive in their calls and didn't hear or take on our perspective (fair mind).
Canada Women's2222210