
Australia Mixed (Mixed)


WUC 2024 roster:

# Name Games Assists Goals Total
0Zac Chodos1010414
1Kaede Yoshida88816
6Ashleigh McInnes10134
8Max Halden912618
9Dennis Tran106814
10John McNaughton10819
11Ben Powlay10224
12Ashley Evans3000
13Holly Reeve813114
16Madeleine Owens1071017
17Michelle Phillips10459
18Shannon Bubb10189
22Kevin Dang10077
27Michaela Dunmall10415
34Timocles Copland6022
35Peter Eley10279
36Chris Stoddard1016521
37Sarah Brereton10033
41Bex Palmer10145
44Clare Barcham10189
51Alice Si10022
70Ferdy Rahmadhan9314
73Dorothy Li102911
77Ryan Davey912214
81Ynez Ruiz10336
98Fisher Day10142135

WUC 2024:

Division: Mixed

Australia Mixed 15 (10) - 10 (12) People's Republic of China Mixed  Game play
Australia Mixed 15 (9) - 10 (11) New Zealand Mixed  Game play
Australia Mixed 15 (9) - 12 (11) India Mixed  Game play
Australia Mixed 15 (10) - 12 (9) Italy Mixed  Game play
Australia Mixed 15 (11) - 12 (11) Singapore Mixed  Game play
Australia Mixed 11 (12) - 15 (11) France Mixed  Game play
Australia Mixed 15 (11) - 6 (11) Chinese Taipei Mixed  Game play
Australia Mixed 15 (10) - 14 (13) Japan Mixed Game 4  Game play
United States of America Mixed 15 (10) - 4 (12) Australia Mixed Game 9  Game play
Australia Mixed 11 (13) - 12 (10) France Mixed 3rd Place  Game play


Event type Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
outdoor107370.0 %13113.111811.813
Total107370.0 %13113.111811.813
Event Division Pos. Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
WUC 2024Mixed4107370.0%13113.111811.813

Spirit points received:

Given by Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
People's Republic of China Mixed2222210Good part to notes: 1. When calls happened, you always listen to our perspective first,and with the help of sideline,you kindly retract some calls. good spirits to go! 2. About fast count,we think we have slow down at the last few second specially, but still been called, but we will keep notice this!
New Zealand Mixed122229
India Mixed212229
Italy Mixed2222210
Singapore Mixed2231311Thank you for the wonderfully intense and spirited game. On fair mindedness and communication we really appreciated how you were willing to listen, discuss, and make the right calls, even if unfavourable to you. Regarding the positive attitude & self control, we note everyone was generally very positive and we appreciated that. However the few incidents we mentioned made it unacceptable.
France Mixed2223312
Chinese Taipei Mixed2232211We had a fun game and felt it was very fair. Communication was great throughout and we appreciated the efficient discussion and resolution of calls.
Japan Mixed2222210
United States of America Mixed2232312
France Mixed2242313They kept a cold head in a very very intense game with a medal at stake. Discussions were calm, efficient, and with readiness to listen to our perspective, even in the most critical moments of the game. As shared in the circle after the game, we deeply admire Australia's spirit of the game and look up to it as a standard we need to strive for. Thank you for this last game of the championship.

Spirit points given to the other teams:

Given for Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
People's Republic of China Mixed2232312We felt there were too many fast counts. Aside from that, thank you for a respectful and fair game. It’s wonderful to have you here in Australia.
New Zealand Mixed2232211In a tight game where we know each other well, the game felt like we were friends fighting hard against each other. Your team was fair even in situations that might have felt frustrating. Thank you for such a respectful game.
India Mixed2222311We really appreciated the great communication during the game, despite the language differences. The game was tight, and once or twice there were tense moments, but your team very intentionally approached us afterwards each time to bring us back to the right spirit and joy of the game. We are so happy to have you here in Australia. Thank you.
Italy Mixed211239Your communication with our players, particularly between points, was friendly and showed appreciation of good plays from both teams. We think there were some dangerous plays, and sometimes we didn’t feel listened to in calls. Sometimes your coaching staff was risking the spirit of the game, thank you to the players who kept it between the players. However, we never felt like the spirit of the game disintegrated, for such a tight and passionate game. Thank you.
Singapore Mixed1332211We acknowledged before the game that there would probably be a higher number of calls because of the windy conditions and lots of zone. We thought there were more stoppages than necessary because of some lack of clarity about rules around the disc. Despite that, we didn’t feel like the game was at all negative. We thought your communication was always polite, and in particular you took such care to make safe bids, and not make them if it wasn’t safe. Thank you.
France Mixed2223211This was a very enjoyable game. We appreciated the positive attitude and the fact that you celebrated our good plays as well as your own. Two things we didn’t like were an early careless collision with one of our female handlers, and us having to re-score the goal after a collision where no foul was called. However these were random isolated incidents, and didn’t detract from our overall sense that it was a great spirited game. Thank you.
Chinese Taipei Mixed2223211Thank you for the very enjoyable game. All discussions felt friendly and respectful. We’d also like to mention that there were a couple of layout or run-through bids made that were very safe and careful of other player’s space. Thank you and welcome to Australia.
Japan Mixed2242313You played an incredibly spirited game. Thank you for the respect and fair mindedness. You made multiple decisions to retract or accept calls after listening to our perspectives. The way you played was the perfect representation of sportsmanship. The communication in calls always made us feel listened to. Thank you to Minori for her extra work in the game to translate. Arigatou gozaimashitta.
United States of America Mixed2222210Thanks for the game USA, we were happy with all interactions throughout. No problems at all and all check ins from spirit captains were easy and clear.
France Mixed2222210We were really hoping to play you again, because the first game had also been such a great example of high level play and respect. This one was equally epic. Thank you.